Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Survival Guide for Camping With Kids

Having small children shouldn't prevent you from camping. Their presence certainly makes planning and preparation more difficult but the memories you'll make are worth every minute. This article shares creative ideas for organizing your next family camping adventure and salvaging a little sanity in the process. You can still go camping with small kids! Learn how here...
Of course, packing up the car and heading into the woods today is certainly not as difficult as it was even 10 years ago. Mobile phones make emergencies much less frightening and gear concepts like child backpacks and portable pack n' play cribs make corralling the little ones a little less stressful. Lori Schilling-Davis, a flight attendant with American Airlines, has been camping with her two children since they were 3 years and 10 months old. Logan is now 7, Delaney is 4, and she says she's just reserved their favorite Lake Tahoe, NV, campsite for Logan's camping birthday party (his idea). Schilling-Davis says the hardest age for her was when the kids were crawling. "Take a pack n' play," she advises. "Otherwise it's just dirt - they're eating dirt, sniffing dirt up their noses." She says the pack n' play serves 2 purposes: a bed for sleeping and a playpen where they can watch what's going on around camp.

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