Thursday, September 4, 2014

2014 Fall Camping Checklist

The guidelines of camping change with the hue of the leaves. The tips and tricks of summer camping tend to differ from fall's best practices. The familiarity of light meals in the hotter months are replaced with heavier more satisfying meals for cooler months. Don't worry, there's much more than meal plans to adjust for your next RV adventure and we've found an article to break down the details for you...
Rest assured that fall can be an excellent season for camping. Our fall camping checklist will help you prepare for exploring wilderness in the cooler months. When deciding whether to camp this fall, remember that lower temperatures and fewer insects can make hikes more pleasurable. As school starts, crowds dwindle at your favorite wilderness spots, creating more opportunities for wildlife sightings. Elk, moose and deer are regulars in the mountains and migrating birds are everywhere. Of course one of the most compelling reasons to camp in fall is the beauty of the leaves changing color. Depending on your latitude, fall foliage is usually most stunning from September through October, but can linger into November. Learn more of what you need to know to plan your fall camping trip in the link below...

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