Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Camping at the Niobrara River

 Imagine camping beside 535 miles of beauty. That's exactly what you'll get at Nebraska's Niobrara River. This scenic campground is a national preservation and guest can experience it's breath-taking views from the comfort of your camp site. The Niobrara River is sure to deliver an unforgettable camping experience for your entire family.
The Niobrara River begins in the high plains of eastern Wyoming and flows 535 miles to its confluence with the Missouri River in northeastern Nebraska. Hundreds of springs feed the Niobrara as it flows through the Sandhills region- one of the largest grass-stabilized dune regions in the world. The Niobrara River drains 12,600 square miles in Nebraska and cuts through several rock formations including the Ash Hollow, Valentine, Rosebud, and Pierre. These unique geological formations include fossils of many mammalian species including beaver, horse, rhinoceros, and mastodons; as well as fossils of fish, alligators, and turtles.

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